Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How to install Flash Player for Mozilla firefox web browser

*Download the latest Flash Player from Adobe web site.

*Select version to download

     YUM for linux
     .tar.gz for linux
     .rpm for linux  

     .deb for Ubuntu
     APT for Ubuntu

1. YUM for linux (RedHat, fedora)
install the downloaded .rpm file using rpm command.
rpm -ivh rpmfile.rpm
this will install adobe repository on your system.
now you can use yum command to install flash player.
yum install flash-plugin

2. .tar.gz for linux (for any distribution)
extract the .tar.gz file using tar command
tar xvf tarfile.tar.gz
you will get a file named Copy this file to the mozilla plugins directory.
cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
change the permissions of the file if required.
Restart the firefox browser.

3. .rpm for linux (for RedHat, fedora)
install the .rpm file using rpm command
rpm -ivh rpmfile.rpm
verify the flash player plugin using the following command
ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
now restart the browser.

4. .deb for linux (Ubuntu)
install the .deb file using dpkg command
dpkg -i debfile.deb
verify the flash player plugin in mozilla/plugins directory.

5. APT for linux (Ubuntu)
install the .deb file using dpkg command
dpkg -i debfile.deb
this will install adobe repository on your system.
Now you can use the apt-get command to install flash player.
apt-get install flash-plugin.

Restart your web browser.


  1. nice post ..thnx .. :-)

  2. You need to be root to perform all these operations....:)

  3. This is really a helpful step to took by Mr joshi to help others.

